Enara Garro
Associate Professor in Criminal
Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of the Basque Country

Tel. (+34)943 01 8074


News and recent activities

  • Between July and December 2021 I am participating in the project "Informe delitos de odio Araba y capacitación en derechos humanos"
  • In 2017 I co-authored the report "IReport on the disappearance of José Miguel Etxeberria Álvarez, Naparra, 11 June 1980"
  • In 2021, I was the scientific editor of the "2020 Report on Hate Incidents in the Basque Country".
  • In July 2021, I co-organized the Conference "Análisis y retos de la nueva ley de eutanasia", organised by the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
  • Between March and May 2020 I participated in the Legal Practice project of the Alava Bar Association (legal persons and corruption).
  • In March 2020 I participated in the Legal Practice project of the Alava Bar Association (legal persons and corruption).
  • In 2020, I was the scientific editor of the "2019 Report on Hate Incidents in the Basque Country"
  • Between February and September 2020 I participated in the "Hate Crime, Gender and Memory Policy Report".
  • From May 2020 to January 2021 I was a member of the Technical Secretariat on Trafficking in Women and Girls for Sexual Exploitation.
  • Between July and August 2020 I participated in the project "Análisis del Anteproyecto de Ley Orgánica de Garantía Integral de la Libertad"
  • In September 2020, I co-organized the Conference "Delitos de odio en Gipuzkoa: puesta en común y perspectivas de futuro", organised by the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities. I was also the moderator of that Conference
  • In October 2020, I co-organized the Conference "Las desapariciones forzadas: de lo global a lo local", organised by the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
  • Between September and December 2020 I participated in the Technical Assistance project for the accompaniment/elaboration of a Human Rights roadmap in the Provincial Council of Alava.
  • In 2019, I was the scientific editor of the "2018 Report on Hate Incidents in the Basque Country".
  • The book "Euskadi indarkeriaren ondoren - Euskadi después de la violencia" (Euskadi after violence) has been published in 2019. I was in charge of the coordination of the publication (ISBN: 978-84-9082-393-4)
  • The book "Emerging challenges of Human Rights: guarantees in danger?" has been published in 2019. I was in charge of the coordination of the publication (ISBN: 978-84-1313-876-3)
  • In December 2019, I gave the speech "La persecución de los delitos de desaparición forzada: los problemas de la prescripción" in the Conference “Desapariciones forzadas infantiles en España. derechos humanos, Justicia y ADN como asignaturas pendientes del estado"
  • In December 2019, I co-organized the Conference "La minoría Bubi en Guinea Ecuatorial: reflexiones sobre su realidad", organised by the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
  • Since November 2019 I am Full Professor in criminal law at the Faculty of law, after passing the competition exam.
  • Between October and November 2019 I was in charge of the Scientific Direction of the Human Rights Congress 2020.
  • In October 2019 I co-organised he International Seminar "Prison in devolved countries: a comparative approach”, organised by the UNESCO Chair of Human Rights and Public Authorities. In that International Seminar I moderated the sessions "Países con competencias transferidas y asuntos penitenciarios" and "Clasificación de los internos, Mujeres en prisión y presos gravemente (incluso terminalmente) enfermos"
  • In June 2019, I gave the speech "Reparación del daño a la víctima e implicaciones penales" in the “III Seminario de Derecho penal de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid: El papel de la víctima en Derecho Penal"
  • In May 2019, I gave the speech "Reporting hate crime and hate speech in the Basque Country" in the “Prevention and Combating of Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Seminar” held at the Nelson Mandela University.
  • In 2017 I participated in the project “Recopilación de datos y elaboración de un informe-base sobre la vulneración de derechos fundamentales en el periodo 1936-1978. Fase concerniente a las personas encarceladas o privadas de libertad física"
  • In May 2019 I participated in a project of the School of Legal Practice of the Alava Bar Association
  • In May 2019, I gave the speech "Second report on hate incidents in Euskadi: assessment on the "bias landscape" and posible coping strategies" in the “International Two-day Conference: Immigration, crime, and citizenship in troubled times” held at the Universidad Carlos III (Madrid).
  • In May 2019 I moderated the third session of the "XXVI Congreso Internacional sobre Derecho y Genoma Humano: Genética, Biotecnología y Medicina Avanzada” and “5º Seminario Internacional de Bioderecho”
  • In March 2019, I co-organized the Internationa Seminar "The state of affairs of prison in Scotland", organised by the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
  • Between December 2018 and March 2019, I participated as scientific coordinator in the Collaboration agreement between the general administration of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, through the Department of Security (Ertzaintza) and the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea through the Chair of Human Rights and Public Authorities for the preparation of an annual report on hate crimes in the Basque Country and comparative analysis with Europe.
  • In 2018 I co-authored the report "Disappearance of the three young people of A Coruña on March 24, 1973"
  • In 2018 I participated in the Campaign to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • In 2018 I was the scientific coordinator of the "Hate Crime Report"
  • In 2018 I was in charge of the scientific co-direction of the monograph "Delitos de odio: derecho comparado y regulación española"
  • In 2018 I participated in the project “Recopilación de datos y elaboración de un informe-base sobre la vulneración de derechos fundamentales en el periodo 1936-1978 (Fase III)"
  • Between September and December 2018 I participated as scientific coordinator in the Agreement between the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea to promote the implementation of the culture of Human Rights in the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa
  • In November 2018 I was a member of the scientific and organising committee of the "International Congress on Human Rights: Emerging challenges", organised by the UENSCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities. In that Congress I gave the speech "Paso del tiempo e impunidad: algunas reflexiones sobre la prescripción de delitos graves" and I moderated the closing session.
  • From 29 August to 1 September 2018, I gave the speech "Crimes against humanity and impunity in current Europe: Franco´s dictatorship under the spotlight" within the Conference of the European Society of Criminology
  • In November 2018 I gave the speech "Reparación del daño e individualización de la pena: Insuficiencias de lege data y de la praxis jurisprudencial" in the Workshop “V Jornadas de Derecho penal en homenaje a José Mª Lidón: La ejecución de las penas”.
  • Between July and August 2018 I made a research stay at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
  • In June 2018 I was elected as the Director of the Department of Public Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of the Basque Country.
  • In June 2018, I moderated to symposia "Penas de prisión de larga duración" and "Origen y desarrollo de los hate crimes: antecedentes, sistematización y judicialización", and I delivered 2 speeches "Informe de incidentes de odio de Euskadi: algunas reflexiones en torno a la delimitación de las categorías protegidas" and "Desradicalización de terroristas y arrepentimiento: la peligrosidad ideológica como variable para inferir el pronóstico futuro" within the "XII Congreso Español de Criminología"
  • In May 2018, I co-organized the Conference "Irlanda y Euskadi: balance después de la violencia", organised by the UENSCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities , where I delivered the speech "Presos: balance y perspectivas de futuro"
  • In February 2018, I delivered the speech "Criminalidad grave en España: retos y dilemas para su afrontamiento" within the UPV/EHU summer courses
  • In 2017 I co-authored the report "Informe sobre el caso Pertur: estado actualizado de la cuestión"
  • In October 2017 we organized a Seminar about “The death penañty in the United States. The case of Pablo Ibar” in Leioa.
  • In September 2017 I gave the speech "The victims of Francoism and their protection before the Spanish courts of justice: substantive and procedural issues" as part of the UPV-EHU Summer Courses 2017.
  • In september 2017, I participated in a roundtable within the International symposium "Delitos de Odio. Estado de la cuestión desde una perspectiva comparada"
  • In September 2017 I gave a speech at the Congress "Justicia con ojos de mujer… 10 años después"
  • In 2017 I participated in the contract “Ordenanza para la igualdad entre mujeres y hombres/Emakumeen eta gizonezkoen arteko berdintasunerako udal ordenantza"
  • In 2017 I participated in the project “Recopilación de datos y elaboración de un informe-base sobre la vulneración de derechos fundamentales en el periodo 1936-1978 (Fase II)"
  • In December 2016 I co-organized the seminar "Delitos de odio en Euskadi. Hacia un diagnóstico de su realidad", organised by the UENSCO Chair for Human Rights and Public Authorities
  • In 2016 I participated in the project “Recopilación de datos y elaboración de un informe-base sobre la vulneración de derechos fundamentales en el periodo 1936-1978 (Fase I)"
  • In July 2016 I made a research stay at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
  • In April 2016 I gave the speech "Penitentiary Law and its application to crimes of terrorism by ETA: current state assessment" in the seminar "The Limits of Criminalization: Precursor Crimes of Terrorism (Towards an Orwellian Society throughout Precursor and Communication Conducts? A Conceptual and Legislative Analysis)".
  • The book "Prisión y alternativas en el nuevo Código penal tras la reforma de 2015" (Prison and alternatives in the new Criminal Code after the 2015 reform) has been published 2015. I was in charge of the coordination of the publication (ISBN: 978-84-9148-015-0)
  • In September 2015 I gave a speech at the Conference of the European Society of Criminology in Oporto.
  • On the summer 2015 I made a research stay at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
  • In May 2015 I gave the speech "Belohnung der Aufklärungshilfe in der organisierten Kriminalität: wie weit darf man gehen?" at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
  • In April 2015 a conference about the assessment of the application of the integral act against gender violence took place at the University of the Basque Country. I was a member of the scientific committee of that conference.
  • In February 2015 I was re-elected as the academical Secretary of the Department of Public Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of the Basque Country.
  • An official report about ETA prisoners and Spanish penitentiary policy has been published in February 2015. The report has been promoted by the Basque Government and the three Universities of the Basque Country. I was co-author of the report.
  • In January 2015 I started teaching in English the subject Criminal Law II
  • In December 2014 a report on the procedural situation of unsolved terrorist attacks resulting in the death of people was presented. This report was ordered by the General Secretary for Peace and Coexistence of the Basque Government. II took part in the project as a consultant.
  • The book "Delincuentes peligrosos" (dangerous perpetrators) has been published 2014. I was in charge of the coordination of the publication
    (ISBN: 978-84-9879-556-1)
  • In September 2014 I started teaching in English the course Criminal Law I
  • On the summer 2014 I'm making a research stay at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
  • In April 2014 I co-organized a speech of Adela Asua, the Vice-president of the Constitutional Court of Spain about the rule of law and the so called Parot doctrine.
  • In October 2013 I participated as narrator at the Conference "Transitional Justice:proposals for the Basque Country".
  • In September 2013 I gave a speech at the Conference of the European Society of Criminology in Budapest.
  • In July and August 2013, I will make a research stay at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (Austria).
  • In June 2013 I gave a speech about gender violence in the Workshop “Ultima ratio 2.0”, held at the University of Helsinki (Finland).
  • In January 2013, I gave a speech in the conference “Jornadas para el análisis del Anteproyecto de Reforma penal de 11-10-2012” held at the Universidad Carlos III (Madrid).
  • In November we organized a Seminar about “Sentencing, Dangerousness and Execution” in the Bizkaia Aretoa of the UPV/EHU.
  • In September 2012 I gave a speech at the Congress of the European Society of Criminology.
  • During July and August 2012, I made a research stay at Columbia University (New York).
  • In July 2012 I gave a speech about the impact of the "tax amnesty" at the Third Conference of the "Österreichisch-Spanische Juristenvereinigung" (Valencia).
  • In June 2012, I finished the degree in Criminology at the University of Murcia.
  • Since January 2012 I am Associate Professor in criminal law at the Faculty of law, after passing the competition exam.
  • Since December 2010 I am Coordinator of the exchange programmes of the Faculty of law of the University of the Basque Country (Campus of Gipuzkoa).